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Advocacy Goals & Terms of Reference

2023 Advocacy Committee Goals:

  1. We are the voice of business – create a framework for members & stakeholders to bring forward advocacy issues and track and record all information to ensure accuracy and accountability. To record at least 18 advocacy issues in the operating year (March to March).
  2.  Develop rapport, trust, and confidence with our Elected Officials at all levels of Government. Create an opportunity for ‘closed door meetings’ at least 2 meetings per year with each elected official (MLAs, MPS, Mayors)

Tracking our Goals

To maintain transparency, the GPRC has laid out where it is at with completing it's advocacy goals.

The Advocacy Commitee has created a robust tracking system to keep track of issues that are raised with the committee.

Any issue that is brought to the committee through the online form is tracked here.

In addition to the issues brought forward to the committee, from members, there is also issues that arise from less formal means which the committee discusses. Those are also included in the above tracking system, where we have also included highlights of the issues.

Terms of Reference